Cool night early spring
The plants are not yet sprouting
But all will in time
Flowers in a pot
Enjoy the sun and the rain
And a gentle breeze
Cafe before noon
Buzzing with sounds and people
We sit close, smiling
Cool night after rain
the blacktop reflects streetlight
Trees almost dripping


with just a few words
compassion, laughter and smiles
a friendship is born
Old lady with books
Sits uncomfortably close
Reads startrek intensely
The clouds swirl above
Miles away from the city
Passersby converse
A drop of water
Ripples outward in the pond
Even though its gone

a great job

I found a job posting this evening that requested that a haiku be included with the application. I am really beyond words at this! The world would be a better place if hiring managers judged applicants by their haiku!

So, I wrote this one and included it with my application.

the leaf hurries not
falling in the deep forest
cool autumn evening

Tribute to Alan Watts

be who you are in this world
while you are.
a voice from long ago reminds us.

view from the living room

from the dimly lit room
watching the tree leaves, small and violently green, quiver in the wind
drinking tea and feeling connected to it all

trees and birds

the wind blows the trees
so gently, as the birds sing
early morning rain


the air still and moist
a gentle rain greets the trees
rushing stream below.

the forest

I walk the soft path
cool pine breeze softly gusting
babbling rocky creek.