
Errant thoughts invade
My mind, floating across time
Breath in peace returns


Morning rain so cold
A wind blowing at my back
Sun in the distance


Ville, vu d'une colline
Ses rues et son ciel bleu
si pleins de promesses
Viewed from a hill, this
city with its streets, blue sky
so full of promise
Neige tombe toute blanche
Pendant la nuit lumineuse
Comme sucre sur la ville
Open horizon
Autumn silence and trees bare
Fields in the distance
my head covered, warm
Black cotton thats worn from wear
shield against the wind
gray tones hazy clouds
Obscure the sky this evening
Stillness in the air
vers la neige le froid
qui refraiche l'âme les penseés
la route nous attends
toward the snow the cold
that refreshes the soul, thoughts
the road waits for us
a meeting small room
business smiles nodding heads, ties
in silence i dream
gold iowa plains
my train passes unnoticed
as men work the fields
the elevator
crowded and tired morning
high rise to nowhere
silent sky midnight
wind cools my face knows my thoughts
smiling as i walk
Bends and slides in tone
echoes against wood and steel
a tasty groove kicked